Presto! Music Appreciation
A fun, engaging way to introduce elementary students to classical music—no musical background required! Presto! Music Appreciation is designed for parents who aren’t musically inclined but still want to give their children a solid foundation in music history and appreciation. Through guided listening activities and easy-to-follow lessons, students will explore famous composers, musical concepts, and the stories behind great works of music.
The Method
Presto! Music Appreciation introduces students to the history, science, and art of music through a structured, multi-sensory approach. Designed for homeschoolers, this curriculum blends Charlotte Mason’s philosophy with the Kodály, Orff, and classical methods, ensuring an engaging and developmentally appropriate experience for all learners.
Over the course of the program, students will:
🎼 Explore music history by studying 34 composers across four historical eras.
🎻 Recognize instruments in an symphonic orchestra.
🎵 Understand musical mechanics through exposure to rhythms, notation, and performance techniques.
🎤 Sing traditional songs from memory while engaging in hands-on activities.
🎶 Experience music kinesthetically through creative movement, rhythm play, and instrument performance.
Each lesson is designed to be accessible to parents with no musical background, featuring short composer biographies, guided listening exercises, and performance-based learning. By the end of the program, students will have developed a foundational understanding of music appreciation and artistic expression—without the need for written assignments.
Required Resources
To get the most out of Presto! Music Appreciation, a few additional resources are required but not included with the curriculum. These materials must be purchased separately from other sources, but they are widely available online. The list below outlines everything needed to ensure a smooth and engaging learning experience.
Required Resources | Format |
They Story of the Orchestra by Robert Levine | Hardcover with downloadable music included (CD version available) |
Kids In Motion music by Greg & Steve | Audio CD, Spotify, or YouTube |
Hymns by the Cedarmont Kids and/or Wee Sing America by Pamela Conn Beall | Audio CD, Spotify, or Amazon Music |
Optional Supplies | |
Props, such as scarves and beanbags | Notebook to keep as a portfolio of work |
Simple rhythmic instruments | Craft supplies for making homemade instruments |
Yarn, chalk, and other basic household items | West Side Story, The Sound of Music, or other musical |